Friday, January 23, 2009

The Tenth

Where's Brando?

Whipping through the air in a big metal tube (as opposed to the network of tubes that brought you this message)! He rang me up, Your Friendly Out of Office Assistant, thanks to the miracle of the Ma-Bell handheld reciever and let me know his schedule. He will be traveling all day today, and out of the office on PTO tomorrow. He's instructed me to tell you that if you have something urgent, you should reach out to XXX at YYY-YYY-YYYY, or email at ZZZ@ZZZ.ZZZ.

You DO read Branden's Security Convergence Blog, right? If not, point your browser here: Better yet, keep up with all of his crazy antics and subscribe by putting this URL in your RSS reader: While you are there, you can check out his latest webcast on Beating PCI in 2009!

Finally, as Branden always says.... "Thanks, and have a security conscious day!"

Monday, January 19, 2009

The Ninth

It's a one day only holiday!

Yep, the powers that be gave us a holiday today, so Branden will be out of the office. He'll be back at work on Tuesday, but anywhere from five to eight hours ahead of you if you are in the contiguous forty-eight. He'll be answering your email as soon as he can.

Did you see what that knucklehead recently said about using Botnets for profit and 2009 being the year for insider threat? If not, point your browser here: Better yet, keep up with all of his crazy antics and subscribe by putting this URL in your RSS reader:

Finally, as Branden always says.... "Thanks, and have a security conscious day!"

Monday, January 5, 2009

The Eighth


Branden will be out of the office for the rest of the year enjoying the holidays. He will return to work on January 5, 2009. Should you need to reach him in an emergency, you can try his cell: AAA-BBB-CCCC, otherwise, he will address your note when he returns.

In the mean time, it's Branden's friendly Out of Office Assistant here to help you. I'm so glad that I get to work during the holidays! Branden is kind of a grinch when it comes to his helpers of the electronic variety. Have you seen the new international PCI Deadlines? If not, point your browser here:

Bowl season is upon us! Maybe I'll take some of my gift cards and trade them for cash. Then I can double it on a 'sure thing' game!

Oh, and as Branden always says.... "Thanks, and have a security conscious day!"